Safety Instructions
General Instruction
- Safety and discipline inside the shooting ranges are a must and have priority over any other consideration.
- Safe gun handling is the shooter’s personal responsibility.
- Firearms are dangerous. Their misuse can cause death or serious injuries.
- The shooter should always see to his own safety as well as to the others.
- The shooter has always to handle the firearm as though it were loaded.
- The shooter should get familiar with the directions for use of any firearm prior to handling and shooting.
- Accidents do not just happen. They are the result of violating the rules of safe gun handling.
Special Rules
- Ear and eye protection are mandatory on the range.
- It is strictly forbidden to smoke or to bring in food and beverages in the basement area, including the waiting room.
- All guns must be unloaded, magazines removed and mechanisms opened, expect while firing.
- Muzzles are to be pointed in a safe direction, at all times.
- Do not move around with a loaded firearm. When changing position on the range, all firearms must be unloaded, clear and safe.
- Do not touch your firearm while anyone is in front of the firing line.
- No shooter may go forward of the firing line until directed to do so by the range officer.
- During cease fire all firearms must be unloaded, magazines removed, and mechanisms open and muzzles pointed down range.
- The shooter must not turn around while handling his firearm.
- In case of shooting incident the firearm must be laid down on the shooting bench and the range officer called upon.
- Never pick up or handle another person’s firearm without permission and never hand another person the loaded gun or one with action closed.
- While firing, the muzzles must reach the front, or be ahead of firing line.
- Do not put live ammunition into the trash cans.
- Complying with range officer’s instruction is a must. He is in-charge and responsible for safety on the range. If you disagree with the decision, contact the club manager.